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I am currently working to reinvigorate CIEE's Online Pre-Departure Orientation course to help students understand key logistical information prior to study abroad, identify realistic expectations for their abroad experience, and feel more comfortable and prepared to study in a different cultural context. The project is being conducted on Canvas with the following documents demonstrating the outline, assessment, and sample activities.

Practicum and International Education Program Design and Assessment

Principles and Practices of International Education

Service Learning: International and Domestic Community Partners

With this research paper I took the opportunity to expand my expertise on International Youth Programs.  My findings led me to recognize the need for more specific research and dedicated resources in this particular group.


Recruiting and Marketing for International Education

The following is a recruiting and marketing plan including a competitor analysis, price sensitivities, and promotion strategy created for the Intercultural Communication Institute's 2016 and 2017 Qatar Institute for Intercultural Communication (QIIC)

Developing Intercultural Trainings in Organizations

This video was created with the consultation of Big Sur Land Trust and their students as a digital storytelling assessment of their place-based education Youth Nature Camp initiatives.

International Education Management

Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey

At an institution focused on collaborative, professional experience I have worked directly with clients, including CIEE and the Intercultural Communication Institute, composed research on various topics in the field, and conducted presentations with videos, poster fairs, and Prezis.  Please see a few samples of the coursework I completed at MIIS below.

This Prezi presentation accompanies a mock training for high school students preparing for hypothetical Pakistani exchange participants. We conducted a mock needs assessment and subsequently presented relevant background information accompanied with interactive activities and discussion to build intercultural competence in youth.

For more information on courses completed, please see my attached resume.

Visit the Contact page for more information or to request other work samples.


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